Institutions & Effective Climate Action

About Us

Our project investigates the complex ways that institutions influence climate policy. One major research strand explores the connection between institutions communicating climate risk and policy information and the way the public perceives it. We use experimental methods to test whether the public responds more or less positively to international vs. national experts, different government actors (e.g. local vs. regional vs. national government), and private actors (e.g. insurers, corporations). We are especially interested in how this might affect political polarization of the public around climate risk and policy. We also examine how legal institutions, such as federalism, rights and the courts create challenges and opportunities for climate policy. Our research is comparative and is focused on Canada and the US.

Our Team

Cherie Metcalf photo

Cherie Metcalf

Cherie Metcalf (BAH (Econ)(Queen's); MA, PhD (Econ)(UBC); JD(Queen's); LLM (Yale)) is Associate Dean Research and Associate Professor at Queen's Faculty of Law, cross appointed to the Department of Economics.

Jonathan Nash photo

Jonathan Nash

Jonathan Nash is Robert Howell Hall Professor and director of Emory Law's Center on Federalism and Intersystemic Governance.

JD Students

Issac Wai Hin Tsang

Sophia D'Souza

Hanna Colbert

Amanda Nurse

Laura Sumner

Nick Morrow

Hannah Ross

Kelly Fan

Anthony Wong

Meghan Huskisson-Snider

Solenn Madevon

Maitree Patel

Jory Birbrager

Jacob Vanderzwet

Graduate Students

Abebe Alemu (conference)

Nimra Ali (conference)

Zemar Hakim

Kyra Safar

Warren Ferguson